Telme is a real manufacturer, not only an assembler. The different production phases are characterized by technology, important investments in production equipment as well as by a know-how resulting from a long manufacturing experience, focused on the reliability of the products.
We are at the centre of a world where gelato delights young and old alike
Gelato and pastry shops, restaurants and hotels find with TELME proper machines, service, customer care, with an excellent price-quality ratio.
with hundreds of versions they meet the request for innovation, promoting good and healthy gelato in the world.
With our partners we operate in every continent. Our international sales network makes us a global player.
Protecting the environment, promoting health, safety in the workplace and reducing energy consumption are our main goals.
TELME pays attention to sustainability, green, healthy and natural food, and to a profit not only corporate but also for the benefit of the territory and the stakeholders.
At TELME we are convinced that knowledge is the only way to meet tomorrow’s challenges, and that investing in training and innovation is fundamental. The company acquires market shares with new models and proper promotional activities
We've increased investment to create our Innovation Center. With new skills that work hard for products that will see the light of day from the 2022 to 2024 to go beyond our mass-produced VBF (Vertical Batch Freezers) icon and start production of custom-made machinery.